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The secret bra of a woman?

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The secret bra of a woman?
« on: August 26, 2021, 08:26:25 PM »

I recently wondered why every close female friend of mine owns at least one bra that is too big for her rack.

It makes sense to me if they have some bras that are too small for them, with them they can make her tits look too big for a bra but why do they own one they can't fill?



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Re: The secret bra of a woman?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2021, 11:51:25 PM »
It is not something we strive to do trust me, you have o keep in mind that every manufacturer cuts their garments differently and as a result a bra say from walmart at a 36D (example0 might be tight or snug on a real 36D while that same style bra at say target a 36 d will be swimming in the cups, meaning to large. It basically is the same with jeans, tops just about any attire.
 The best way to get a “perfect” bra if it exists, is to go to a boutique that measures a woman properly , then makes or has the bra made to those measurements, the only issue with that is your talking especially in a higher end boutique any where from a 100 to 3oo bucks for a designer bra like  Le Perla, Fleur of England , Agent Provocateur, and Kiki De Montparnasse are among the elite hand made styles and while an order from these boutiques will be costly, the fit is pretty dead on, and if it isn’t they are very very particular to make sure the fit and customer are happy.

The other option that about 95% of us go for sure the Walmart, target, or bra like Olga but there again you can but the same bra in all. 3 of those places and each one will fit totally different, the shape of the breast, the firmness, the weight , strap adjustment its a pain in the ass, but unless you have the time and money to be measured inch by inch and buy an exact fit bra, you take what you can get as close to the fit and comfort you need.

bustier women end up with a lot of side boob in a bad bra or they are over filling the bra and spill over the cups, the other thing is, a heavy bust will ruin a bra a store bought bra in 6 months maybe less rarely longer , smaller cups can tolerate a slight loose fi or snug fit and with less weight up front less back and shoulder ache, if the bra doesn’t have strong support it becomes the “let me throw this P.O.S. On and you I’ll know when women wear that bra we are jostling in our bras like a tennis match played with basketballs and yeah it sucks, it hurts the back and we rather have. Tight bikini and float in the pool to ease that weighted pull. So basically we do not buy over sized bras on purpose, its all in the makers cut and the size chart they use to make it, hope that answered your question.


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Re: The secret bra of a woman?
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2021, 09:17:31 AM »
Thanks so it seems buying a bra is complicated and they may buy one too big by accident.

What I have to add is that I must admit they turn me on with it, having the bra accidently laying around in the room when I come over I am amazed everytime I see it thinking "Does she really use bras that big???!!!"


Offline Julie34DD

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Re: The secret bra of a woman?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2021, 06:03:47 PM »
I kept the bra of a smaller ex bff once after a “play day” (rules cat)
The following week I took pictures of my breasts squeezing very uncomfortably and unsuccessfully into her once favorite bra and sent them to her while she was at work wit a few catty taunts....
I’ve never tried on the bra of a woman bigger than me but I’ve heard many smaller women confess that if they found themselves alone in my bedroom they might try one of mine on or even steal one to examine later in the privacy of their own bedroom...

It’s led me to fantasize about forcing smaller women who face me and lose to be forced to remove my bra and put it on (especially if they’ve admitted that mine make them feel less somehow or inadequate) so I can tease them and humiliate them about their breasts

Just being honest ;-)