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Why Do Women Grab Breasts

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Offline Julie34DD

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Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« on: October 14, 2021, 06:42:25 PM »
The title of this thread sounds a tad silly I know because we all obviously know why lol
But I was curious...
To the women reading this....
Why do YOU go there if you go there at all?
Of the hierarchy of targets I think we would all agree that pulling hair or punching the face tends to be all women’s go to move...
But even in that I’ve often experienced that when things go wrong women tend to attack hair out of desperation....
Hair seems to be a default response...
Are breasts a default response as well?
I’ve experienced this when competing....
I’m winning...
She’s losing...
She’s panicking....
Desperate to change her fate...
And her hands roam to whatever they can find and that something always seems to be my breasts...
I’ve also noticed that less endowed women tend to “go there” a lot faster than a larger women...
So I guess my question is this...
When you attack a woman’s chest was that your intention all along or was it an act of desperation?
And if a smaller woman is reading this do you agree that you might tend to go there first when fighting and if so why?
I’d be very interested in the psychological and emotional reasons behind this :-)

Love you all xoxo



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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2021, 07:10:59 PM »
You kind of answered it in your question, if in a desperate situation you go for anything that will hurt your opponent or at the leas loosen her hold to cover herself or pull away, some other desperate moves are to bite, claw, sink claws in and squeeze be it a neck, breast, thigh , face.

There is a level of jealousy if your fighting someone as busty or even bustier but lets face facts the breasts are sticking out , if you have torn her top or pulled her free of a bra it is just another target of pain to cause.



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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2021, 01:00:38 PM »
 Before I enhanced my breasts, I was reluctant to attack breasts in a fight. I find myself more easily justifying attacking another woman’s boobs now that mine are big. I feel more dominant I guess, since I have enlarged my chest.


Offline Deefights

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2021, 05:32:58 PM »
What a dumb question. If I could get my claws on your boobs, you'd find out very quickly.


Offline swingtrpt

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2021, 03:39:21 AM »
do women feel intimidated by an opponent more well  endowed


Offline jaz

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2021, 01:15:24 PM »
Because I like doing it lol.  If she has tiny boobs might not be worth the trouble,  but If she’s got big boobs I’m gonna hurt those titties.


Offline marlu Queen

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2021, 03:37:23 PM »
I think all the answers are correct and I would like to add that all women like to show that our boobs are superior as a symbol of our femininity
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Offline jaz

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2021, 01:29:39 PM »
@ Julie - you’ll find out when I get my hands on your boobs
« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 01:32:16 PM by jaz »


Offline Pedromalone

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Breasts are Targets.
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2021, 03:12:52 AM »
Okay I am answering this from a male perspective,  yet I think that even a guy who is just watching a movie with this could see a few reasons for this, a lot of which have been said, yet  I want to add a few more points to them. Let's take an example of a catfight where basically all hell has broken loose (no rules, no holding back, etc). Basically the most extreme example.

1. Breasts are a one of the key features of the female body, and as such damaging them can not only hurt on physically, yet can be a bit of mental humiliation as well, especially if said boobs are really marked up.  I do think an intimidation factor does come into play when one opponent has bigger boobs as more often than not they are the ones that are perceived as being the sexier one, though that might backfire as she'd probably end up with the most damage. In stories I've seen it where destroyed boobs have sent a message not only to the opponent of don't challenge me again, yet also other potential opponents stating that this "woman will go to war with you".

2.  Breasts can be attacked a variety of ways to make them hurt (fist right to them, clawing, pinching, biting, kicks, etc.). Also I have heard that depending on the attack boobs can be made to feel a lot of pain (sometimes one good attack is enough to end a match depending on the victims resolve).  Like most body parts you probably can train them to feel less pain though, and you can strengthen them.

3.Breasts are opportune targets, as they are right near the center of the body, an opponent can easily get to them. Also stripping the opponent to get to them adds a bit of a humiliation factor, that is until it becomes an even playing field(both topless, or both naked).

4. Breasts are pleasure sensors,  which in some types of matches can be used to make one orgasm (conceivably for a win in some types of matches), or at least confuse an opponent (make them let down their guard).


Offline bend5

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2021, 08:19:20 AM »
 1st of all,when your opponent has really big tits then why not go after her 2 biggest targets every chance you get...

 2ndly,when your opponent has much bigger tits than you have,jealousy might be another good reason for you to want to attack her tits...

 3rdly,and probably the best reason I can think of why female fighters go after their opponents tits is because they know most guys love watching them doing that...


Offline marieclaws

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2021, 04:01:30 PM »
Because it feckin hurts !!! Do it to her before she does it to you


Offline cfight

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2021, 12:53:32 PM »
Let's say just before the fight starts both women are standing facing each other. As words are said one of the women pushes the other woman. When she pushes does she go for the shoulders or the breasts? When the other woman pushes back what does she go after the shoulders or the breasts? And let's say both are c and d and  if during the fight do they grab each other's blouses then bras?


Offline snw

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2021, 05:05:26 AM »
Attacks can also be mentally as well I would expect. Such as if the fight is between two girls over a guy and he likes big boobs, she may go about insulting her rivals smaller set. Getting her rivals shirt off to expose them would cause her mind to shift to covering up at first giving at least a few seconds of open shots. Maybe challenging her rival to fight her topless or in a bra while removing her own to show the guy and her rival how much better hers are. That I would think could be intimidating due to the confidence being shown. Many fights are affected before they actually start if you can have your opponent doubting if she could actually beat this girl. Hesitation even for the smallest amount of time can be the difference with an open opportunity.  A clean open shot could be devastating if it’s hard enough to send to stun long enough to get the upper hand that determines the rest of the fight.


Offline LovesWrath

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2022, 06:07:15 PM »
Just here to revive a great topic


Offline RRgirl

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Re: Why Do Women Grab Breasts
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2022, 01:17:57 PM »
I’ve never been in a real cat fight but I boxed once and received a lot of punches to my chest.  The other girl’s hubby was telling her to keep punching my boobs.  She was both pleasing him and winning the match.