My left nipple seeping milk, the crowd notices and cheers.I too notice your hardened raised fists are just as messed up as mine.
Pressing my bra cups, it tells me you need moments not sure how long to recover, get tour breathe or whatever, my has taught me this is typical desperate behaviour from a fighter, it is clear you have had some training but not as much as me but it is also clear you are a natural fighter or one with lots of experience, that last move if anything he tells me makes it clear this bitch is hurt, but fuck I am hurt to.
I use one hand to sexily sultrily playing to the crowd, but also to make my move an in you front statement, my trainer has taught me to play the crowd and my opponent, I know I am playing the slut but I want you to think I am a bimbo, stupid just a slut anything to win this psychologically. We are clearly equals, I need every trick I can, I notice you decide not to copy and enter this fist fight with hair in your face, it is clear you want them to respect you where I am fine being the hot slut, this time it lets me see clearly and we both need every advantage we gain. My trainer looks on he nods it is clear he knows I am is using everything he taught me, my guy says fuck that was hot and slutty not realising it was my way of getting a clear view of my rival and your vanity denying you the same.
I scream back FUCK YOU BITCH
WE circle each other desperate to beat the shit out of each other. We move in I am covering with one arm at all times, but jab at your face and upper torso, in fact my last blow strikes your left cheek, the crowd explodes as our heels tap in the dust. We both are covered in sweat, chests raise heaving.
I get another blow at your left cheek, you are backing up a bit, many people wonder are you hiding an injury or waiting your time the thought of you maybe being more hurt arouses the crowd, but nobody knows for sure.