That afternoon, Maureen comes home from work to find me on her couch, watching the local Rhode Island news, with me fingering myself. She takes her blouse off and then her bra. She sits topless of my lap and kisses me. She takes my fingers out of my pants.
> What has you do worked up Lisa?
> I got to thinking about a memory from my Cleveland days.
> A sex memory?
> Nah. A catfight memory.
> Oh , goodie. Tell me about the fight. [Maureen kisses me hard.] Who won?
> That's the thing. It was a bathroom staredown. We .... hinted at .... swinging .... throwing down .... whatever. But couldn't. It was a business meeting.
> Ahhh. In an office? Elevator?
> Sexier. In the ladies' room.
> What's sexy about the ladies' room?
> [I slap Maureen's face.] Excuse me, Missy.... but didn't you and I fight in a ladies' room???
> True'dat.....BUT.....THAT was high school. Not many places to catfight in high school.
> OK. Well.....I left an important part out....well, two.... FIRST.....she locked the door behind us.....
> Holy shit.
> SECOND..... she was a lawyer.
> Double holy shit. I winder if that was an intimidation tactic of hers. I mean, regularly. To, like.... get an upper hand in negotiations.
> [Maureen's and my fingers are in each others' pussies.] I wonder if it worked.
> Like, if the other woman would back down?
> I would never back down. It would just make me fight harder.
> I know how you feel.
> Oh?

> Wanna fight? Right now?
> You read my mind. Bitch.
> Slut.
Maureen and I stand up in the living room. We square up. Her tits are sweaty and erect. I punch them hard.
She punches my mouth. I cam taste iron in my mouth. My lip is cut.
> You're bleeding. Take a break?
> Not a chance.
We continue punching. Hard in the face. I take my top off.
> Punch my tits, Maureen. Hard.
We hit back and forth, harder and harder.
Maureen gets me down and straddles me. She pummels my face.
> You win. I give.
> Good thing that lawyer and you didn't fight. She woulda hurt you bad.
I woulda loved it.
To be continued....