As Lorraine and I punish each other on the bike shop floor, I imagine how the conversation would have gone that July night with my dad if Maria and I had gotten into a catfight at the town water hole.
We would have been watching the Boston Red Sox game on NESN. 1983 or so. Yaz's last season. Height of the Jim Rice / John Tudor era.
> Lisa? You seem quiet. Everything ok?
> Umm, ya .... so about that ..... I got into a fight this afternoon. Yes, a catfight.
> Oh, Lisa ..... you didn't get jumped, did you?
> No, ummm... it was 1 on 1 .... fair.... I sorta started it.
> What did she do to you? Who was it??
> Well, ummm , ....., it was a long time coming .....
> Maria? Wait it Maria?
> Ummm.. ... yes .... Dad, no offense, but are you in love with her?
> No, no...... Lisa, Lisa, .... you mis-understand .... I just mean .... there's been tension between you and her ... I just worried.... she would catch you off guard sometime .... you said you started it?
> It was at the town pond. We were 500 feet apart, whatever. I gave her the finger.
> So you fought right there? On the sand??
> Ew. No such luck for you, Dad .... we got in her car ....
> She has a car??
> Ya, she works .... as a waitress .... don't distract me...
> Sorry. Go on.
> I asked if she wanted to ..... if she dared to .... I guess I dared her .... to drive to the woods and face me there in her bikini.
> She was wearing a bikini??
> Dad, ew ... again, just ewww Dad ... not the point .... the point was I was daring her to fight me in something where we could pull each others' tops off.... like, sonething that wouldn't be her thing .... that she'd be afraid to do ..... to uptight, ya know?
> But she said yes.
> Well.... she didn't say know .... so we got in her car.... I was in the back passenger side .... [Eddie Murray has just hit a 3-run home run off John Tudor; my Dad curses].... and we parked in the woods .... you know, on the fire road or whatever it's called, the path for the fire trucks in case of a brush fire ....
> And?
And??? [The Red Sox are making a pitching change, but my Dad's focus is on me. I kinda like it.]
> And we were pulling hair on the ground .... and pulling each others' tops off.... grabbing each others' breasts.... twisting .... pulling. Dad it was horrible. Vicious, really. Dad, dhe and I hate each other.
Boy, is he in for a treat tomorrow night when I tell him about Lorraine and me.
To be continued....