At that moment, when my suitemates overheard Elena and I were having a lovers' quarrel on the verge of turning physical, I held Elena's future in the palms of my hands. I was a college resident, while Elena was a guest. If she was considered a threat to the campus community, she would have been thrown out by campus security ... AND been put under a lifetime ban from ever setting foot on campus again.
And, as I looked at Elena's semi-nude body next to me in bed, part of me wanted to get her into as much trouble as possible. I knew full well that Elena dated other women behind my back, keeping a Rolodex of bi women in Cincinnati who would go shopping with her on her 1st of the month annuity payment dates. I knew after a weekend in my dorm room bed, she was headed downtown the following Monday to cash in her P&G bond coupons, have lunch in a Cincinnati tea room with one of her companions, no doubt already decked out with Christmas decorations and music, and that the two of them would have sex.
I hated her for it.
But part of me had Catholic guilt. For calling Elena stupid and uneducated.
Because the fact was, thst was pure projection on my part. Because I was feeling pretty stupid lately. As a Catholic college, Miami's students had disproportionately attended Catholic high schools. And in the 1970s and 1980s, many Catholic high schools didn't even bother teaching girls what are today know as 'STEM' classes--hard sciences, math, and computer science.
So many of my classmates at Miami were taking remedial, 100-level math classes, even now in their sophomore year. For me, it was quite the comedown from what I thought would be my 2nd year at Notre Dame, Boston College, or Holy Cross; getting ready for the GRE or law school.
I was frustrated. At myself, for not getting into Notre Dame. Applying to BC or Holy Cross as backup schools was just dumb strategy on my part--BC and the Cross recruited nationally--as a local, I was at a disadvantage applying there.
It probably had nothing to do with my high school bathroom fistfight with Maureen. I just picked dumb schools, with my transcript, to apply to.
And why was I even on a Catholic education track anyways. I was obviously a lesbian ..... and as such, had no place in the 1980s Catholic Church.
How had I fucked up my life so much?
What would fucking up Elena's life help? That would just be useless, petty revenge on an innocent third party.
So, I looked at my suitemate, looked at Elena [both of them anxiously awaiting my reply], and said:
> Elena and I were just having a lovers' quarrel. Which was my fault. I apologize for losing my temper. But now we're going to have make-up sex. If Elena is game.
> [Without hesitating] I'm game. [Elena and I tongue kiss. Passionately.]
We expect my suitemate to close the door. She does, but with herself still in the room. She asks us a question:
> Would it be perv-y if I watched you guys.
Elena answers:
> Little bit. But .... you can watch.
Elena and I make passionate love for an hour, with my suitemate watching and masturbating the entire time.
When it's over, we ask her if she enjoyed it.
> Kinda. I got turned it when you two were fighting. I've never heard two girls fighting like that.
Elena and I look at each other and blush.
To be continued....