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Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika

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Offline howardcosell

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Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« on: October 03, 2010, 03:12:45 AM »
Ultimate Catfighter Season 3: A Family Affair, Kayla vs. Jessika

This season of Ultimate Catfighter is called “A Family Affair” because most of the sixteen women have some ties to more famous fighters or one another. This season, the coaches even have a history, as the coaches on this show usually do. Kayla and Jessika will pick and coach their respective teams. Let’s meet the fighters and get to the picking.

Beth B.: 4’11”, 94 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, Canadian (Toronto, Ontario)
Beth is the twin sister of multiple title holder and fighting sensation, Marie B. Many insiders say that Beth is actually a better wrestler and fighter and is also a better decision maker than her sister, based on her time wrestling and competing in cage fights in Mexico as La Bandita while wearing a mask.
In Her Own Words: What a lot of people don’t realize is that Marie and I have a great relationship; we talk all the time, but we didn’t want to step on each other’s toes while I was in Japan and she was in OPW. I love my sister and I’m glad to be competing on this show.

Candace “Dangermouse” Spud: 4’8” 88 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, American (Spokane, WA)
Candace was a crazed stalker of Marie’s who caused a lot of chaos and holds a dominating submissions victory over Marie in a hotel room fight. Spud is a lot stronger than people give her credit for, but also is very inexperienced and can lose focus. She’s been working with Christina Munoz (who she actually shot a few years ago) and her fighting skills are improving.
In Her Own Words: I’m looking forward to winning this. All my life, I’ve looked up to my Marie, but Marie is a loser and I have to be a winner. I did things to impress that bitch and she ignored me and treated me like shit. Unless you’re at least 5’9” or if you treated her like shit, that’s the only way she’ll respect you or even acknowledge your existence. Fuck Marie.

“Bionic” Karin: 5’7” 130 lbs, long blonde hair, blue eyes, American, New Orleans, LA
Karin is a cheerleader and gymnast turned fighter, noted for her incredible ego and arrogance. Karin likes to punish her opponents with a barrage of punches and kicks and laughs at their misery, before, during, and after the match. She’s rich, she drives a BMW, and she’s mean… but she’ll kick your ass.
In Her Own Words: None of these weak bitches worry me. I’ve got more ability in my pinky toenails than these bitches have in their whole family trees. And the coaches better not tell me anything stupid either; Kayla is a slut and Jessika is an old hag. I don’t need to be coached by those dumb bitches; they better not piss me off.

Seka the Destroyer: 5’9” 140 lbs, black hair, blue eyes, South African (dark skinned biracial Black/White)
Seka is one of the most hardened fighters to enter the tournament. She has fought her entire life and is rumored to be a former apprentice of Jessika’s. Seka has gotten the nickname “Little Glory” because of her destructive straight forward fighting style and her tendency to pin her long black hair up into a Mohawk. Seka has fought in cage fights, sex fights, street fights… you name it, she can claim it.
In Her Own Words: All these bitches are in trouble. I don’t talk; I don’t play games; I fight and fuck. Nuff said.

Lisa “The Killer Queen” Pritchard: 5’9” 140 lbs, long wavy red hair, green eyes, biracial (Black, Honduran, Creole)
Jiu Jitsu submissions fighter, foot fetish lover, and deceptively strong wrestler Lisa got a great start getting to know other fighters when she submitted Marie B. during a fight at her house when Lisa was only 12 years old. Lisa then submitted her older sister, the very famous and very disliked Queen Samantha during an argument over who would clean up around the house. Now, a few years later, Lisa is of legal fighting age and enters the tournament to showcase her skills.
In Her Own Words: My sister may have the mouth, but I’ve got the skills and you’ll see that when I get in the cage and submit everyone I face. It’ll be a piece of cake.

Kara aka “Supergirl”: 6’1” 150 lbs, long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes American (Minneapolis, MN)
Kara is one of the biggest prospects from up north. She is an accomplished amateur wrestler, has trained in combat Sambo and is extremely strong and dangerous, both on her feet and on the ground. Because of her bikini model looks, her fair attitude, and her habit of wearing red and blue, she’s been nicknamed Supergirl.
In Her Own Words: I’m here to compete. If I make some friends along the way, that’s fine too, but I’m here to win the tournament and become the Ultimate Catfighter.

Pamela Jean Blaze aka PJ: 5’5” 140 lbs, short curly blonde hair, blue eyes biracial (Mexican American)
PJ is the youngest daughter of legendary fighter Siena Blaze. PJ looks a great deal like her mother and more known for being one of the greatest softball players of all time, but has decided to take a shot a following in her mother’s footsteps. PJ is known as a prankster and while either you love her antics or you hate them, she truly is one of the nicest and most loyal friends you could have.
In Her Own Words: I hope I don’t get my ass kicked hahhahaha! I’ve trained and I’m in great shape; I think if I focus and stuff, I’ll do okay. I just wanna get in that house and see what kinda beer they’ve got hahaha!

Athena: 5’8” 140 lbs, long black hair, dark blue eyes, Greek
Athena is a superstar fighter from the country of Greece, but this is really her first real venture out of her comfort zone. Many people have compared Athena to Rachel Apache the same way Kobe Bryant is compared to Michael Jordan. Athena looks like Rachel, wears purple like Rachel, and has a huge fan following in Greece that has spread to other parts of Europe. Whether all of this praise is legitimately deserved will be discovered.
In Her Own Words: If I look at the other girls, I respect them and I think it’s very nice of them to come out. But I have defeated much greater opposition than any of these fighters here and their skills, I’m pretty sure, are quite primitive in comparison to mine. I don’t think anyone trains harder or works harder than I do and I will continue my dominance, hee hee.

Hood: 5”9” 140 lbs, shoulder length black hair, brown eyes, Black (very light skin; looks like Alicia Keys) New Orleans, LA
Hood is an internet sensation, flatly ripping off Kimbo Slice by filming herself fighting any woman or man willing to take her on. While Hood is using the Black female stereotype to gain herself popularity because she is from the hood, she has a Master’s in Business Administration and is the owner of her own company. Her online persona and brawling style contrasts heavily with the person she is outside of the streets or cage, sort of like another woman she modeled herself after… Glory.
In Her Own Words: Yo yo yo! It’s ya girl, Hood in this bitch… no seriously, hello everyone. This is part of my effort to stop domestic violence. My father beat my mother and several of my ex’s beat me; that’s why I started fighting; I had no choice. I have been in a female gang; I’ve been on drugs; I’ve been stabbed and shot at, and I just want the violence to stop. So, if acting out and then getting in the cage and fighting helps me, so be it. God Bless you all.

Jonica: 5’2” 120 lbs, short spiky blonde hair, blue eyes (Lafayette, LA)
Jonica is a scrapper. Say that she can’t fight; say she isn’t as experienced as some of the other girls; say she’s a good kisser, but not a good fighter… but don’t say she doesn’t have heart and she doesn’t have potential. Jonica was able to completely dominate the much heralded Marie B. on three different occasions and beat Crazy Jeannine to a pulp in a New Orleans pub. One thing Jonica has going for her is that you never really know how good of a fighter she is… but she does.
In Her Own Words: I’m just here to kick ass, down a few, and maybe go down on a few.

Shinobi: 5’3” 120 lbs, black hair, green eyes, Japanese
Shinobi has been traveling the world looking for competition in order to better her skills as a fighter. She, as her name implies, is an outcast, having never returned to Japan since starting her journey and has entered the Ultimate Catfighter with the desire to win. Despite her small frame, Shinobi may easily be the fastest and most dangerous fighter in the tournament. Like several of the fighters entering the tournament, Shinobi has never lost a fight and is rumored to have fought Rachel Apache years ago to a decided draw.
In Her Own Words: I am not here to make trouble; I am here to win. I am a woman of peace and martial arts is an extension of the soul.

Dawn “The Seoul Assassin” Rankin: 5’9” 140 lbs, long black hair, green eyes South African
Dawn is Kayla’s younger sister and recently made her debut as a cage fighter… by breaking her opponent’s neck via a devastating overhead throw. Dawn laughed at the incident saying, “If the bitch didn’t want to get fucked up, she shouldn’t’ve tried to fight me, tee hee!” Dawn has racked up a pretty impressive unbeaten record while fighting in Korea and has injured some of Korea’s best fighters; that’s why her nickname is what it is. While Kayla hasn’t commented on Dawn’s arrival, Dawn’s reputation has been one for savagery. While Kayla doesn’t try to injure her opponents, Dawn doesn’t care and will gladly try to break a fighter’s arm before her opponent can tap out.
In Her Own Words: I’m looking forward to walking through every slut and cxnt in that house, tee hee!”

“The Cure” Katora Sanchez: 5’3” 135 lbs, long curly black hair, blue eyes, Havana Cuba
Katora holds a kickboxing record of 26-0 with 24 knockouts and has black belts in tae kwon do, aikido, Shotokan karate, muay thai, and kempo. On her feet, Katora is deadly with her blazing punches and kicks (just ask Kayla), but has recently started training to improve her ground game, which is sorely lacking, though she is very hard to take down. Katora is a martial arts instructor and a training partner of Queen Samantha’s. Because of her large breasts and high-waist, Samantha has dubbed Katora “the hourglass of kick ass.”
In Her Own Words: Hola mis amigos; it’s Katora “La Curacion” and I am very happy to be competing again. I have a reputation for being short-tempered and that’s true, but I won’t mess with you if you don’t mess with me. I’m all business in the cage or the ring and I’m looking to bring home the championship.

Misty “The Perfect” Storm: 5’7” 130 lbs, shoulder length curly black hair, blue eyes, biracial (Black Native American, Mexican), Chico, CA
Misty Storm is a true mixed martial artists who’s trained in muay thai and various forms of striking, but is no slouch when it comes to getting submissions with her Siena Blaze-honed Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training. Marie B. was able to outwrestle and submit Queen Samantha very early in both their careers and Misty can take credit for a lot of that since Misty was one of Marie’s training partner when Marie was studying under Siena. Great training partner to have for a fight with Samantha since Misty knocked Samantha out and submitted her in the two matches they had, but both came very early in Sam’s career. Misty reminds a lot of people of Rachel Apache because of her demeanor, but Misty curses and won’t walk away from a fight if challenged.
In Her Own Words: I’m here to fight and I’m here to win. It doesn’t matter to me who they put me up against; I just want to fight.

Gemma Rox: 5’3” 115 lbs, shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes United Kingdom
Gemma has quickly become a cult star due to her incredible toughness, heart, her ability to take a beating and give one, and her incredible sexiness, both in her fights and just in a conversation with her. Gemma fights because she’s turned on by it, but she also fights to improve her skills and she doesn’t like pain. Gemma’s a trained boxer, but has done a lot of mma cross training and she knows how to wrestle and is a real student of the game. However, like the great Evander Holyfield, she has a great strategic mind, but once she gets hit hard, she may throw strategy out the window to kick some ass and brawl.
In Her Own Words: Why the fuck is Jonica here? Did she find out I was trying out and come here to ruin it for me?! When I see that bitch, I’m gonna slap her and kiss her and kick her and eat her and beat her!!! Oh those other girls too? They’re in trouble; I can’t wait to fight.

Patty McNally: 5’5” 130 lbs, shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, Irish
Patty is one of the dirtiest fighters in the game; she’s done everything from deliberately dislocate Samantha’s shoulder to biting Marie B.’s vagina during a match. Patty’s fights are bloody and violent; she’s a brawler, but she’s noted for her ground game and dirty grappling.
In Her Own Words: Marie B. is a fuggin fraud! All these bitches are fuggin frauds. I hate the evil Britush umpire and all those bitches are fuggin frauds. I can’t wait to get me self in the cage and work out me aggression on a bitch, because they’re all fuggin frauds.

NEXT: Time to pick teams as the 16 girls meet their coaches, living legends Kayla and Jessika!
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2010, 12:13:22 PM »
OOOoooohhhhh.... CAN'T WAIT!!!! The prospect of beating up Jonica is always fun!!! but 14 other girls too? WOW! this is going to be painful!

x G x
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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2010, 02:06:03 PM »
Lots of fights to look forward to......and it's always great to see Kayla go up against Jessika (from the convent of the Three Mounds).


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 10:53:55 PM »
Part 2

Kayla, Marie B., and Jessika come out, followed by OPW owner and wrestling, boxing and cage fighting icon Siena Blaze and OPW CEO and mma fighter, Siena’s estranged daughter Christina Munoz. The 16 participants are standing together in the training facility as the 5’5” 140 lb Marilyn Monroe-looking Siena addresses them.

Siena- Welcome to The Ultimate Catfighter. I’m very pleased that you “ladies” are here today. As you can see, this season the coaches will be Kayla and Jessika. If I didn’t believe that you could learn a lot from these two women, I wouldn’t have picked them.

(Karin- Siena says that, but for season 1, she picked Marie B. and Jenn Peccavi, two people who don’t know jack shit about fighting unless they’re fighting each other. Now, we got Grandma Jessie and Slutty Kayla.)

(Gemma- Jessika and Kayla… I really don’t have good luck, do I?)

The 5’7” 140 lb Sexy Psycho with her long curly black hair, reddish brown skin and crystal blue eyes, Christina Munoz steps forward all dressed in black.

Christina- Just know this, you guys can smirk and act all tough, but none of you bitches have done shit in the fighting world. If you did, you wouldn’t be here doing this, so show some respect. I don’t like any of these bitches up here with me and either I don‘t like some of you or I don‘t know don’t know the rest of you, but when you look at us, you see a lot of championships and a lot of wins. If you can’t respect that, you might get knocked the fuck out and it might not even be in the cage; it might be by one of your coaches.

Siena- We just finished talking to Kayla and Jessika and Jessika will pick first, but once the teams are determined, Kayla will decide who will fight first. As you can see, if you’ve got a microscope, Kayla brought her wee little friend and a girl who a lot of you are either related to or you’ve kicked her ass, Marie to be an assistant coach. After Kayla picks the first fight, the winning team will pick the next fight and it will continue until the round of 16 is over. So, let’s go ahead and get it going. Jessika, you have the first pick.

Jessika- I’m taking Seka.

(Jessika- I trained Seka and she’s got the warrior spirit and the vicious attitude needed.)

(Kayla- I wasn’t really surprised that she picked Seka. Marie and I figured that.)

(Marie- I think it was a dumb pick. We weren’t going to pick Seka because we knew Jessika wanted her, so for Jessika to take her first instead of getting another high quality fighter and get Seka later was pretty stupid.)

Kayla- Supergirl.

(Kayla- She’s a big girl and there aren’t a lot of those in this group, no offense to Marie tee hee! But she’s also really good with her wrestling pedigree and her sambo)

(Marie- I think she’s a great pick; we figured we’d get a pretty good first pick and she’s got a great attitude.)

Jessika- Athena.

(Marie- That pick surprised me. I thought Jessika would go for someone a little more brutal, but she’s thinking for once. Athena was high on our list.)

Athena- Oh, Ms. Jessika, I promise I will not let you down. I’m so happy to be a member of your team and I will do my very best to please you, Ms. Jessika.

(Athena- Was I trying to suck up to Jessika? Of course I was; that’s how you make it in this world. I knew I would be picked high and the truth is, I am a better fighter than any of these other girls and any of these coaches, or Christina and Siena.

Kayla- Shinobi.

(Kayla- We got a pretty good pick; Marie and I were talking and we had to grab Shinobi if she was available because the woman lives to fight.)

(Marie- Anybody who fights Rachel to a draw is good for us. But once again, she’s got a great attitude. She’s quiet, but she’ll probably do what’s expected of her.)

Jessika- Misty Storm.

(Jessika- I’m loving my team right now. Marie and Misty trained together and I know that Misty has a great all around skills set. I don’t know if she has the killer instinct, but by the time I’m done with her, she will.)

(Marie- You could see me visibly upset when Jessika picked Misty. She was someone we wanted for sure because I worked with her and she’s not only a great fighter; she’s a great person to spar with and be on a team with because she gives her best and watching her, you want to give your best too. She‘s not going to get in the cage and perform poorly because she isn‘t going to slack off on her training. She‘s a perfectionist.)

Kayla (shrugging her shoulders)- Karin.

(Karin- Did this skanky bitch just shrug her shoulders when she picked me? Oh well, I’m on a team coached by a whore. But that’s not really important, as long as she doesn’t put her slutty ass hands on me, we’ll be okay. And Marie… I’ve dreamed of kicking that bitch in the stomach.)

(Kayla- We wanted Misty, but we didn’t get her, so I was lost as to who to pick next. We know Jessika isn’t going to pick Beth or Dawn, and we know we don’t want Spud or Patty, so we went with Karin. I think that’s a very good pick.)

Jessika- Katora.

(Kayla- Katora would’ve been a good pick for us, but she’s Samantha’s friend and I’ve been kicked around by her a lot. I’d rather be training the girl who beats her, tee hee!)

(Marie- I couldn’t talk Kayla into taking Katora because of their past; she would’ve been a good addition to the team, but there are a good amount of girls left to take.)

Kayla- PJ.

(Kayla- Pam is Siena’s daughter and knows how to fight, plus, she’s got a great sense of humor and one thing I know about fighting, you must have fun or else it’ll drive you crazy.)

(Marie- Another one of my training partners from my days studying under Siena. PJ may be known for her softball skills, but she’s got great submissions and she’s is Siena’s daughter… those fighting genes will help.)

Jessika- I guess I’ll take Dawn Rankin, heh heh.

(Kayla- That officially pissed me off. Jessika goes and picks my younger sister; what is she trying to pull? It just goes to show you that there is no such thing as respect for family on this show.)

(Jessika- Dawn has more savagery than Kayla and only cares about winning. I don’t care if she’s related to Kayla or not; I’m building a team of fighters, not a glee club.)

Kayla- Beth.

Beth hugs Marie and Kayla as she takes her place.

(Kayla- Jessika knew that I wanted Dawn, so I don’t know what’s she up to, but I went ahead and took Beth now before Jessika gets her.)

(Jessika- Like I said, I’m building a team of fighters to win; last time I saw Beth, she lost to Justine Credible. And I don’t know what kind of tricks she and Marie will play since they’re twins. If I put Beth on my team, how will I know it’s really Beth and not Marie pretending to be Beth just to infiltrate my team? I may be a crazy type A bitch, but I’m not stupid.)

(Marie- Beth weighs four pounds more than I do, but I’m older than she is by a few seconds ha ha. Beth can think while fighting and it took me a long time to get to that point. Believe me, she’s been in the business longer than I have; she just wore a mask and she’s more like an older sister to me, even though I’m technically older. Plus, it’s just good to have her on the team. Kayla will have to coach a fighter to beat her own little sister, but at least I won’t have to do it too.)

Jessika- Patty.

(Marie- Jessika picks Patty, a fighter I know a lot about, but also a fighter we didn’t want.)

(Jessika- Patty’s already a fighter and she’s wild and sadistic, but who am I to tell a bird she can’t fly?)

Kayla- Hood.

(Marie- With Gemma, Jonica, Lisa, and Spud as the last four fighters, we know we’re going to get at least two that are going to be headaches. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Picking Hood was the most logical thing to do because she’s a natural fighter; she’s a street fighter who hasn‘t really fought any professional fighters, but she’s still a natural fighter.)

Jessika- Spud.

Kayla and Marie laugh and high-five each other.

(Jessika- Look, I knew those two wanted me to take Spud and there was no way I was taking Gemma or the other one unless I had to. Spud is crazy and obsessed with showing Marie up and now, she can use all of that as motivation.)

Spud approaches Marie.

Spud- Hey Marie, you should’ve picked me, but it’s okay, I hope you make me fight your twin sister so that I can beat her like I want to beat you again!

Kayla- Walk on, little one.

Spud reaches up and slaps Kayla, and security rushes in quickly to pull Kayla off of her.

Kayla- Lisa Pritchard.

(Marie- Lisa beat both me and Samantha when she was 12 and I hope that age has brought wisdom and she listens to us.)

(Kayla- I don’t know about this one, but we had to pick somebody. Marie insists that Lisa is good, it’s just, I’m going to be coaching Samantha’s sister… that, I could’ve done without. And now, it‘s down to Gemma and Jonica.)

Jessika- I think my pick between these two is obvious. Gemma, come here.

Gemma approaches Jessika.

Jessika- I called you over here to call you a cxnt and to tell you that’s I’m picking Jonica. Get the fuck out of my face.

So, these are how the teams break down:

Team Jessika:

Team Kayla:
Supergirl Kara
Next: The girls moved into the house, and it doesn’t take long before tensions flare. Also, training begins and Kayla selects who will fight first.

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 11:06:33 PM »
HAHAHA!!!! I think I pee'd myself when Jessika called me a cxnt!!!

You absolute genius! You really had me convinced she was going to pick me!!!

......... but picked last?  :'(

It's the netball team all over again...  >:(

x G x

PS. This is going to be fantastic!!!
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2010, 02:13:22 AM »
Nice start, Howard.  I can't wait to see where this goes.  I think Spud and I should be a tagteam, we have a lot in common.  We're short and love to beat up Mawee Bee....

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2010, 02:15:15 AM »
It's the netball team all over again...  >:(

No, you're just a cxnt.

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2010, 01:39:12 PM »
Some crazy fighters there & a very interesting start - looks like a lot of hair's gonna be flying around! Tee hee!  ;D

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2010, 12:30:10 AM »
Part 3

The 16 women move into the large mansion they will all have to share, and it doesn’t take long before things get testy.

(PJ- So, I’m walking into the house and I’m like “Wow, my Mother really paid a big chunk of coin for this place; she could’ve just put us in the beach house” and I hear people shouting and fussing. I’m like, we’re in a mansion; there’s plenty of food and alcohol; we’ve got a Jacuzzi; what the fuck are you bitches complaining about? And then, I see who’s arguing and it makes sense.)

Misty- Come on then, bitch!

Katora- You might not want to call me a bitch again, Misty. You might want to keep your mouth shut or I’ll have you talking out of a tube.

Athena- Stop fighting, ladies! Stop! We’re supposed to be on the same side; we’re supposed to be sisters, not enemies! This petty bickering will leave us more than vulnerable to the opposition.

(Supergirl- Misty and Katora arguing? I thought they were two of the more quiet ones.)

(Katora- I don’t have anything against Misty and I think she‘s very good at fighting, but Samantha is my friend and I‘m loyal to my friends, you know? Misty beat Sam a few years ago and Misty has been talking a lot of stuff and I just think okay, you won the fights, but that was years ago and Samantha’s way better than she was then, but you won’t fight her now. I promise, I don’t have anything against her, but she hasn’t done anything since; she hasn’t fought anybody that good.)

(Misty- Katora comes up to me and gets on my face, talking about an interview I did about Samantha. I said Sam’s a bitch and she still is. That has nothing to do with Katora and if she swings at me, I’m going to defend myself.)

Katora- When we train, Misty, make sure you spar with me.

Misty walks away.

(Athena- Now, was I really interested in what Misty and Katora were arguing about? No. Was I really trying to be a team player? No. Am I going to keep the bickering from Jessika? No. Do I think Katora and Misty are stupid? Yes. Am I going to tell Jessika just to get in good with her? Yes.)

(PJ- You can’t walk five feet in this house without seeing two girls about to have a fight. I couldn’t stop laughing.)

In the screen room, Beth and Spud are having a heated argument.

Spud- You’re a joke, Beth! You’re just a bootleg Marie B. and you suck just like she sucks!

Beth- If my sister is such a bad person, why were you obsessed with her for you long? Why did you dye your hair blonde and run around signing autographs, pretending to be her?

Dawn- Because she’s crazy.

Spud- Hey… who the fuck are you? You’re just Kayla’s little sister; well, you keep giving me lip and I’m gonna knock the “tee hee” out of you… cxnt.

Dawn- Hahahahahaha!!!! Girl, you are so lucky we’re on the same team, not that I really give a fuck, but I’ll tell you this… sleep with one eye open.

Dawn walks away and so does Beth.

Spud- Oh yeah? Well fuck both of you!! Yeah, that’s right, you better walk away! Hey Lisa, look; I scared both those bitches off.

Lisa- Whatever, Spud.

Spud- Hey, you’re Samantha’s sister, right?

Lisa- Yeah, what of it?

Spud- I train with her; we should be friends.

Lisa- First of all, you and I will never be friends. Second, I don’t like Samantha; I pretend to like her and she is my family. And third, I’m on Kayla’s team, so that means, we’re not buddies; we’re not friends; we are nothing.

Spud- But… you hate Marie too.

Lisa- Correction… I beat Marie. I don’t hate Marie; I barely know Marie. I just beat Marie and made her lick between my toes and if you or anybody else messes with me, you’ll be doing it too.

Lisa walks away. Meanwhile, in one of the bedrooms, Gemma is getting situated when Patty approaches her.

Patty- So, you’re Gemma Kickin Rox, eh?

Gemma- That’s me.

Patty- I just came by to tell ya that I don’t fuggin like ye, even if I haven’t never met ye.

Gemma- And why would that be?

Patty- See, I don’t like British bitches because of me Irish heritage. And seeing as hows you and me are on different teams, I’m looking forward to stomping a mudhole in your pussy, spit shining it, and then walking it dry.

Gemma- Is that a fact? Well, you-- ahh!!

Patty smacks Gemma in the face while grabbing her crotch. Gemma immediately punches Patty with a right cross and staggers her, but the Irishwoman takes Gemma down and goes into a full mount as Gemma wrestles with Patty to regain control, but takes a knee to the crotch and a bite to the nose.

Jonica- Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Kick her ass, Patty!

Hood enters the room and the light skinned Black girl dives into the fray, pulling Patty off Gemma and throwing hard punches at her head, forcing Patty to back up and raise her arms.

Jonica- Hey, this has nothing to do with you!

Hood- And it don’t have nothing to do with you either, unless you want it to.

Jonica tackles Hood from the side and takes her down. Jonica hurts Hood with a punch to the stomach, but she doesn’t groan, and Hood uses her strength to push Joni off of her.

Joni- Okay… now, let’s just calm the fuck down for a second!

Gemma- Patty started it! You know, Jonica, why don’t you calm the fuck down and get the fuck out of here.

Jonica moves closer to Gemma and the two lock eyes… then, they start kissing. Patty and Hood look at the two confused. Patty eases herself closer to Hood.

Hood- Bitch, don’t even think about it. I don’t go that way.

Patty- Well, iffin I fight ye, you’re gonna be going my way.

Patty leaves, and shortly after, so does Hood. Gemma and Jonica fall on the bed, kissing deeply between groans from body and leg punches they’re giving each other. Shinobi is outside meditating while Seka is training already as Dawn chats with her between combinations of punches and kicks.

Seka- What do you want, Dawn?

Dawn- Nothing. I just like watching you do your thing, that’s all. Looking so sexy.

Seka- If you and I fight, I’m gonna fuck you up. You know that, right?

Dawn- What happened with you and I was wrong, and I’m sorry I broke your heart.

Seka- I never had a heart for you to break. But you were my girl and I would’ve torn whatever heart I had out for you and given it to you.

Dawn- Look, I know I was a whore, Seka. I cheated on you and I regret it.

Seka- Don’t do that bullshit stuff with me, Dawn. I’ve heard it before back when we were together and I caught you eating out Clarice. You told me, “it’s not what you think.” What? You slipped on a banana peel and your face landed on her pussy? It runs in your family. None of you can stay with one woman. You and your sister both are human all you can eat buffets.

Dawn- Is that really necessary?

Seka- It’s truth and you know it. I came here to train and I came here to win. I tried love and I tried a normal life when I first broke away from Jessika, but now, I’m the one who fucks em and leaves em.

Dawn- Can we at least be friends?

Seka- We can be fuckers, not lovers and for damn sure not friends. I fuck you, but you don’t fuck me, and if we fight, I’m gonna hurt you.

Dawn- I don’t think you would hurt me, even if you could. All those times you caught me, you never touched me. You stayed with me until I left you. You could fuck up anybody in this house, but me, you wouldn’t lay a finger on me tee hee! Problem is, I’d touch you all over.

Seka- You are a ruthless bitch, Dawn.

In another bedroom, Karin approaches Beth, who’s washing her feet. The 5’7” 130 lb blonde haired blue eyed Karin observes the 4’11” 94 lb blonde blue eyed Beth’s technique and laughs her annoying laugh. Beth looks up at her.

Beth- What is it now, Karin?

Karin- Maybe if you had more money or more class, you’d have someone to do that for you. Ha, ha, ha! Lisa, come see this.

The 5’9” 140 lb red haired green eyed biracial honey skinned sister of Queen Samantha comes and laughs at Beth.

Lisa- God… you’re just like your twin sister.

Karin- Yeah, a loser. Ha, Ha, Ha… Ha, Ha, Ha.

Beth stands up.

Beth- Don’t talk about my sister like that.

Lisa- Or else what? I’ll beat you up too.

Supergirl Kara walks in and steps in front of Beth.

Supergirl- Ladies, this is my room and Beth is going to be my roommate. Right now, we’d appreciate some privacy. You may go.

Karin- Oh yes, thank you so much. I guess we have to listen to you because you’re like, Supergirl ooooh. This isn’t over, shrimp.

Lisa- See you in training, snack cakes. And you, big blonde bitch, you might want to mind your own business… uhh!

Supergirl Kara pushes Lisa against the wall hard and she bumps her head.

Supergirl- I said get out. I’m trying to be polite, but you might want to ask about Minnesota women, because we don’t take that kind of talk from anyone.

Lisa- You’re so gonna pay for that.

Karin and Lisa leave as Beth and Supergirl look at each other and laugh. The night goes on with the girls drinking and PJ flashes several people during the night.

(Shinobi- Pamela Jean, Karin, and Lisa got very drunk and were making a lot of noise. We were trying to sleep and they were breaking glasses and singing loudly.)

Karin- Oh BETHHHHHHH!!!! Come get some, bitch!!! And bring your super friend with you!!!

(Gemma- These three are on my team and we’ve got to train tomorrow and they’re acting crazy. It’s a very big house, but everyone who was trying to sleep could hear them and I got up and came down there and Athena was there.)

Athena- You know, I’ve never heard of you, so you must be a nobody.

Gemma- Excuse me?

Athena- You know; there are the ladies like me, well there’s no one like me… I’m a superstar and I have the support of the entire Mediterranean nations behind me. I’ve defeated so many great fighters and I’m the number one ranked fighter in Europe and ranked very high in the world rankings, but after this, they better rank me first. But you, I’ve never heard of you. So, you must be a nobody.

Gemma- Look, I’m not in the mood tonight. I can’t sleep; there are fights breaking out everywhere, there’s--

Athena- Yes; you were dumb enough to be in a fight earlier. I saw that; then you went kissing on the person you were fighting. I never do that type of stuff because I have too much going for me. I’m a millionaire and the pride of Athens, Greece. I am considered better than Rachel Apache and she is supposed to be the greatest fighter of all time. I am a somebody and somebody’s love winners. I can’t love the people I fight because the people I fight will be defeated and no one loves a loser, but a loser, so you must be a loser and a nobody. 

Gemma- Sounds like the only person you love is yourself.

Athena- That’s a great way of putting it. Nice talking to you.

(Athena- Gemma is such a push over. How do you make love to your worst enemy. Some of these women in here are very sick and she obviously won’t last long.)

The next day, Kayla’s team began training very early, but Marie wasn’t there. Kayla addresses her team while Karin, PJ, and Lisa are shown listening to their iPods and playing with their phones.

Kayla- Excuse me. Can I have your attention?

PJ- We’re listening.

Kayla- You’re playing with your phone, PJ. Look, this is a fighting competition, not a third grade class, so don’t make me feel like I’m teaching one.

Karin- It’s not a cock-sucking competition either.

PJ and Lisa laugh, but Kayla approaches Karin.

Kayla- You want to repeat that.

Karin- No. It was a Freudian slip; no harm intended.

Kayla- I know what a Freudian slip is, Karin.

Karin- Good for you, now could you back up; the artificial light is helping my tan.

Supergirl- Don’t pay them any mind; we’re listening.

Kayla- I’m not finished with you by a long shot. You’re going to sweat hard today.

Karin- I heard you’ve sweat a lot harder.

Kayla walks back to the center, mumbling “She is so lucky I’m her coach; she’s so lucky.”

Kayla- Okay, we’re going to do my same exercise routine from my Olympic training, then cardio for an hour, and after that, pair up and I want some light sparring for 30 minutes.

(Kayla- Looking at this team, I have to say, there are some girls who are obviously in great shape and some girls who are obviously in great shape, but are suffering from a hangover. Karin and Lisa vomited seven times each, but PJ didn’t. But from what I’ve heard of her, she’s used to training early in the morning after a long night of drinking and clowning. I will say this for Karin and Lisa both, they completed the cardio and the exercises; they’re in very good shape. I wasn’t really disappointed with anyone. Marie got in a little late because she went running with her friend… Rachel Apache *sigh*)

(Marie- We had them pair up and do some light sparring. We know what Gemma can do from experience, and seeing her pair up with Hood was interesting. Hood hits very hard and is a natural brawler, but she lacks the wrestling and ground skills and she was looking really confused once Gemma got her down. But when they were on their feet, Hood’s height and reach advantages came in handy because she’s fast and explosive.)

(Kayla- Another thing I noticed was that the IPs or “Infinite Princesses” as Marie and I call them: PJ, Lisa, and Karin were working together, even though Lisa was sparring with Shinobi. Shinobi is probably the most experienced fighter on my team and Lisa is the least experienced, so I made that pairing myself. Plus, Shinobi was clearly picking Lisa apart and Lisa couldn’t take her down because she couldn’t get close to her. Shinobi’s six inches shorter, but she jumps in with a combination of punches and kicks and works the angles, countering very well. She’s by far the fastest girl we’ve got and Marie and both agreed that we weren‘t going to feel sorry for Lisa; we just hope she realizes that she needs us or else Jessika‘s got a lot of experienced fighters on her team. Karin is really good on her feet and knows some things about submissions and ground control, but PJ knows a lot more and PJ put Karin in all kinds of holds and was teaching her how to get out of them and how to reverse them, but she wasn‘t hurting Karin, and I guess that‘s okay. How that benefits PJ, I don’t know.)

(Supergirl- I worked with Beth because we’re getting to be friends and there are more tall girls on Jessika’s team. I’m the tallest of all the girls and I’m helping Beth with her grappling and wrestling, even though she’s pretty good on the ground now. I‘m here to win this thing, but I want to be a good teammate and Beth is cool.)

(Karin- Training was easy. Kayla and Marie were in my face yelling at me and trying to push me around, but those bitches can’t affect me. I’m a fucking cheerleader and a gymnast; I’ve seen it all and they don’t call me “Bionic Karin” for nothing. My breasts were bouncing off the top of Marie’s little head when she was talking to me and Kayla’s breath smelled like a bag of cocks. We went home and jumped in the Jacuzzi)

Jessika’s team is shown arriving at training.

Jessika- Look bitches. No exercise, no warming up, none of that shit; I’m throwing you in there cold. Put your gear on and get going hard. When I say “time,” you switch sparring partners. I may say time in thirty minutes, then thirty seconds, so you better go hard. Get to work.

Athena- Wow! Ms. Jessika, that’s the greatest training plan of all! When I become a combat instructor, I sincerely hope that I am a smidgeon of the tactician that you are!

(Jonica- Training was hard. I knew some wrestling and some fighting, but these girls are training to hurt you and they hurt me. Spud took me down and put me in a neck scissors before I could even move and Dawn slammed me hard, and she just laughed. Athena is very fast; her combinations are the fastest I‘ve ever seen a fighter throw and she moves too quickly. I almost threw up trying to keep up with her and while she wasn‘t hitting me hard, she was hitting me in soft spots and taunting me; she wasn‘t letting me get in any offense and she never got tired. She was my longest spar and she knocked me down eight times by simply overwhelming me over catching me off balance.)

(Jessika- I like this method of training because everybody gets to fight everybody. You see a lot of sizes and styles in a short period of time and your mind has to adjust quickly to the changes. Jonica’s my least experienced girl, but I’ve seen what she can do, and she’s beaten Marie and Kayla a couple of times… welllll… that’s a tag match, but still. I think it’s a confidence issue with her. Spud is by far the smallest and I had to break up a real fight between she and Patty when Patty tried to stick her finger of Spud’s ass. Spud‘s got heart, great wrestling and submissions, and she‘s nuts. I noticed that Misty and Katora were trying to kill each other when they sparred and Athena told me what happened during a water break. I think Athena understands and respects a warrior like me because she talks to me and asks me for advice. I‘ve got Seka and Dawn, who I‘ve known for years, and they are doing their own thing. But they don‘t realize that their style is my style because I taught them their style. But when I talked to them, they talked back. They‘re warriors like me and they understand what they have to do. Misty Storm actually knocked Dawn down with a right cross during their sparring session when Dawn tried to scoop slam her and Katora hit her with a lot of leg kicks until Dawn caught the leg and got Katora up against the cage. I really worked Jonica hard because we don‘t control who fights first and I have a pretty good idea that Kayla may target Jonica.)
Later on that evening, Kayla’s team gathered with her and Marie to discuss who would be fighting.

Kayla- I want you guys’ input on who you would like to fight, if I pick you to fight.

Marie- Be completely honest because we want to win this first fight and we could run the table. They’ve got some really good fighters, but we do too, and if you follow the strategy that we come up with, we may run the table. Who wants to go first?

Supergirl- Whoever you guys decide to put me against is fine. But I think with my skills, I would want to fight Seka and get her out, since she was the top pick for Jessika’s team.

Karin- I want either Spud or Jonica. I like beating up weak, little blonde bitches like you, Marie, and your ugly twin sister.

PJ- Jonica.

Shinobi- I don’t care, as long as I fight.

Beth- I really want to fight Spud, for any other reason than what she did to you, Marie. I think Spud needs a lesson in humility and I want to give it to her.

Hood- Patty or Jonica, but really, I want Athena. All she does is talk about herself and when she’s around Jessika, she’s the biggest suck up in the world. The hoe must go.

Lisa- I would rather fight Jonica than fight Spud. I’m still working on my stand-up fighting and Spud is more of a ground fighter like me. So, I would rather fight Jonica because I know I’m better than she is on the ground.

Kayla- And what about you, Ms. Rox?

Gemma- At first, I wanted Jonica for obvious reasons.

Lisa- What? You want to eat her out after she beats you? (PJ and Karin laugh out loud, Marie, Kayla, and Beth smile.)

Gemma- Then I heard about how brutal Dawn is and I wanted to fight her, but after yesterday… it’s Patty. I want that bitch so bad now. Bring on Patty.

Marie- Okay everyone, thanks.

About an hour later, all the girls gathered together with the coaches, Siena and Christina, as Kayla stands in front of them and makes the announcement.

Kayla- After much deliberation and much thought, we’ve decided that the first fight will be Gemma Rox vs. Candace Spud.

Gemma and Spud step forward and face each other.

(Kayla- I asked Marie who she would least like to stay on both our team and on the other team. She said Gemma and Spud, and I was thinking the same thing. This is my team, not Gemma’s and she doesn’t tell me what to do.)

(Marie- Either we get rid of Spud or we get rid of Gemma, which is a win-win for us. We will help Gemma get ready for this fight with a lot of work on her submissions. She’ll be sparring exclusively with Beth, Lisa, and PJ, since they are our submissions savvy fighters. If she does what we tell her to do, she'll win. I've learned something from every fighter I've faced, including her, and Spud left an impression on me. But if Gemma decides to be stupid, she will get submitted and I won't lose any sleep over that.)

(Jessika- I didn’t know who they were going to pick on their end, but I figured it would either be Spud or Jonica on my end. I think this is a great fight for my team. Spud is only 4’8” and 88 lbs, but she’s a much better fighter than Gemma is and she’s got more killer instinct. Gemma’s a cxnt and Spud is going to be sparring with Misty and all the other girls I’ve got to get ready for Gemma’s weak ass fighting style.)

Next: Gemma Rox vs. Candace “Danger Mouse” Spud.

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2010, 05:24:54 PM »
Come on Gemma! We're depending on you to go 1-0 up!  :-* ;D
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2010, 09:37:37 PM »
Part 4

The teams are gathered in the gym, sitting on the bleachers for the fight. First out is Candace “Dangermouse” Spud, standing 4’7” and 88 lbs with long brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a silver one piece (she wears silver because it’s the opposite of Marie’s gold one piece, though Glory also tends to wear a silver one piece) and she is barefoot. Spud is checked by the ref before entering the cage. Once she gets in the cage, the fighter dubbed “The Littlest Runt” jumps around and slaps herself in the face a few times, psyching herself up.

(Spud- I know what to do and I know how to fight… I’m gonna destroy her!! I’m gonna murderlize her!! And when I beat her ass, I’m gonna look at Marie and remind her why she shouldn’t’ve turned her back on me!)

Gemma is out next, looking pretty focused, but rather relaxed. Gemma is 5’3” 115 lbs with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and has plenty of tattoos in her green tank top, green shorts and green wrestling boots.

(Gemma- I admit, I don’t know that much about Spud, other than that she beat up Marie and shot Christina, so that’s not telling me much. Usually, I’m the shorter fighter, but I’m used to adjusting and I plan on knocking Spud out. I don’t know Spud and I don’t have anything against her, but she’s my opponent and that means she’s dead meat. She likes Marie so much; I’ll just pretend she’s Marie… or Jonica.)

The two fighters come together for instructions and stare into each other’s eyes. Neither fighter is showing anything but determination. The bell rings and Gemma charges out as Spud throws a hard leg kick that hits Gemma on the side of her left knee, but Gemma staggers Spud with a right cross, but misses the follow up left hook as Spud moves away.

(Marie- If Gemma had landed the left hook, I’m pretty sure that would have been “game over” for Spud. I was about to smile.)

(Misty- Spud knows she’s the smaller fighter and she knows she’s got to take Gemma down, but Gemma’s not stupid. She’s got the height, weight, and reach advantage and she’s jabbing Spud from the outside.)

(Jessika- I was telling Spud that if she’s going to move around, at least throw some damn punches and kicks.)

Gemma moves in, but freezes and blocks a high kick from Spud. Spud nails Gemma with a left hook to the side of the head, punching around Gemma’s raised arms and ducks low, nailing Gemma in the ribs with a left right combo, then standing, grabbing Gemma by her raised arms and driving two knees into her stomach, buckling the taller woman. Gemma throws her arms forward and shoves Spud back, and the shorter girl smiles.

Kayla- Gemma, smother her against the cage!

(Kayla- Gemma doesn’t like me and doesn’t like Marie, but she listens to us and rushes in on Spud, forcing her back against the cage and trying to take her down.)

Marie- Watch the choke, Gemma!

Gemma manages to pick Spud up, but the little girl slips out of Gemma’s reach and gets on her back, looking to lock on a rear naked choke. Gemma turns so that she is facing the cage, then falls forward, trying to slam Spud face first into the cage, but Spud rolls and ends up pinned on her side between Gemma and the cage. Spud releases the choke and wraps her legs around Gemma’s arms and neck, but she doesn’t have enough room to lock on the triangle. Gemma pulls her arm free and tries to stand but Spud tries to mount her as she’s getting up. Gemma pushes Spud off and as Gemma stands, Spud back kicks her in the stomach, forcing an “ough!” from the taller girl, then as Gemma doubles forward, Spud executes a running knee, cracking Gemma hard on the forehead as Gemma crumbles to the floor, her arms wrapping around Spud’s waist as Spud starts hammering Gemma’s now cut forehead with punches. Spud has mounted Gemma and is staring at Marie while Gemma is covering up; Spud pulls Gemma’s arms apart and starts throwing hard and fast head butts into Gemma’s face.

(Marie- Gemma was down and I kept wondering what the hell she was thinking. She had Spud against the cage; she could’ve hammered her then, but she tried to take Spud down. Spud reversed it, but Gemma got in better ground position, then instead of attacking Spud on the ground, she tries to stand back up. Make up your damn mind.)

(Kayla- We came up with a strategy, and I guess Gemma thought that Marie and I were trying to sabotage her because she wasn’t listening, and she was paying for it too.)

Spud seems content to control Gemma from mount position and looks at the clock to see how much time is left in the round. Gemma starts landing hard lefts to Spud’s ribs, but Spud knees her in the crotch.

Katora- You can’t just lay on top of her like that, Spud, throw some punches, work that cut.

Karin- Get up Gemma, you stupid bitch!! How the fuck are you getting your ass kicked by the smallest girl in the fucking house?! You suck, Gemma Rox; you fucking suck!!!!

Athena- You’re fighting a beautiful fight so far, Spud!

PJ- Gemma, scoot up, wrap your legs around her waist and grab her head, then roll hard and you’ll be in mount!

Dawn- And if she tries that, Spud, knee her in the pussy again! Keep kneeing that cxnt in the pussy, or keep kneeing that pussy in the cxnt, tee hee!

Gemma puts her hands on Spud’s shoulders and starts pushing her off, then Spud starts raining punches down on Gemma’s face. Spud’s punches are very fast and very hard and she knees Gemma in the crotch again, forcing Gemma down on her right side, as Spud attempts to lock her arms around Gemma’s head and left arm in an arm triangle, head butting Gemma’s neck. Gemma takes her left arm and elbows Spud hard in the nose before the smaller girl can lock the submission hold on. Gemma lands another elbow to Spud’s right eyebrow and hears an “ah!” from her opponent as Spud takes a moment to cover her eye. This allows Gemma to lay on her back and start hitting Spud’s face with punches as the momentum starts to shift.

Marie- Gemma, keep hitting her! She can’t take a punch!

Misty- Spud, get your knee on her stomach and pull her head forward, then pop her with some right hands and look to move to a side mount. You’re still in control.

(Marie- Spud may be the fastest fighter I’ve faced not named Rachel Apache, and she’s a lot stronger than she looks, but she can’t take hard punches. Gemma grabbed Spud’s head and yanked her into a guillotine choke, wrapped her legs around Spud’s body and started hammering her right side with those hard hooks. Spud’s body was shaking with every punch and Gemma was really softening her by grinding her fist in.) 

Spud reaches down to cover her right side, so Gemma starts hitting her with left hooks to her hand and arm. At one point, Gemma slams a left hook into Spud’s liver and Spud lets out a slow “uuunnnnhhhh!!!” as the members of Jessika’s team react in various levels of disappointment, knowing Spud is struggling to get out. Gemma uses both arms to tighten the guillotine and squeezes her legs around Spud’s waist, but Spud holds on for the last thirty seconds of the round. Spud gets up, holding her side and walks to her corner; Jessika and Athena help her sit down while Gemma walks to her corner, where Kayla treats her cut and Marie gives her water.

Gemma- She was groaning when I was hitting her. She’s done.

Marie- She dominated you for most of that round; I honestly don’t know who won it. Look; she’s for real, okay? She’s fast; she hits hard, but she cannot take too many punches. You’ve hurt her and she may wilt, but we can’t take any chances and you have to listen to us.

Meanwhile, in Jessika’s corner…

Jessika- Stop crying! Look at her face, Spud! See that big ass cut on her face? YOU did that to her! You can win this thing and you can finish this bitch off.

Athena- Listen to Ms. Jessika; she is an expert at combat. Gemma’s being coached by Kayla, but Ms. Jessika trained Kayla.

Spud- She hurt me bad… I don’t know--

Jessika- Shut up with that defeatist stuff. Look at Marie; she’s sitting over there laughing at you because you’re losing to Gemma fucking Rox. Who? Gemma Rox? Who the hell was this bitch a month ago? You want to go back home and tell your friends that you came all the way to Los Angeles to lose to some jabroni named Gemma Rox? Look at how Marie is talking to her… she’s never going to accept you and never going to forgive you because she’ll be going home with Gemma Rox tonight and you’ll be back at the house with all the other fighters looking at you funny because you lost to a bitch named Gemma fucking Rox.

Jonica- She’s underestimating you, Spud. You’re a much better fighter than I am and I’ve beaten Gemma several times.

(Jonica- I don’t think Spud is a better fighter than I am, but if Gemma lost, she’d have to stay in the house with us and know that she lost the first fight to the smallest girl hahahahaha!!)

Athena- You can do it, Spud! Just listen to what Ms. Jessika tells you, and you’ll win.

(Athena- Now, did I really want to help Jessika work Spud’s corner? Hell no. Do I care if Spud wins or not? Nope. I‘m just doing this to help myself.)

Round 2

The bell rings for the second round and Spud comes out faster firing punches at Gemma’s raised arms, but Gemma nails Spud in the nose with a left hook and slams a straight right into her solar plexus, then gets her arms around the smaller girl and pulls her into a bear hug, locking her knuckles on the small of Spud’s back. Spud head butt’s Gemma’s forearm and the blood starts to flow again, then Spud wraps her legs around Gemma’s waist and squeezes her, then starts driving sharp elbows down on Gemma‘s cut.

Lisa- Hey Marie The Bumble B.! You’re supposed to be coaching her; why don’t you say something? Spud is still kicking her ass!

(Marie- Lisa was yelling at Kayla and I, but Gemma knew what she had to do and we can only repeat ourselves so many times. She had to figure it out for herself.)

Patty- Bite the cut, Spud!! Bite the fucking cut!! Fuck that evil Britush bitch up!! Iffin I was fightin’ her ugly arse, I’d use me skills and she would be gone ‘til November!

Hood- Hey Lucky Charms, why don’t you shut the fuck up?

Patty- Why don’t ye come over here and make me? Otherwise, crawl your wee little arse back to the ghetto ye came from.

Hood- That’s it!!

Beth, and Supergirl restrain Hood.

Supergirl- The fight is in the cage, not out here.

Spud tightens her legs on the small of Gemma’s back and Gemma’s lets out an “AHH!!” and falls on her back with Spud now on top and raining down punches.

Seka- Get her, Spud!! Finish her off!! This is it; you’ve got her!! Hammerfist!! Hammerfist!!

Gemma’s got blood in her eyes and all over her face, but she’s blindly nailing Spud with hard blows to her ribs and Spud stops punching and covers up. Gemma grabs Spud’s hands and starts working her left side over with right hands.

Seka- Come on, Spud! You’re the warrior in there!!

But Spud just continues to cover up as Gemma hammers her sides. Gemma shoves Spud off of her and Spud gets back to her feet, misses with another roundhouse head kick, and Gemma rushes in, picking Spud up and slamming her down hard. Spud is hurt badly, but gets back up before Gemma can mount her. Spud almost turns her back to Gemma in an effort to move away and gets some space, then hurts Gemma with a hard kick to the set of ribs on Gemma’s left side and follows it up with a Superman punch (a jumping downward straight punch) to the cut, buckling Gemma, but Gemma backs Spud up again with a hard combination of shots to Spud’s aching ribs. Spud is dropping her arms and her mouth is open and Gemma turns Spud’s head hard with an “UuNNhH!!” from a left hook as the smaller girl would’ve been decked if not for the cage wall being behind her. Gemma grabs Spud and lifts her up, then tries to give her Gemma’s signature backbreaker, but Spud slips out, charges forward, but takes a jab to her stomach, an inch above her navel, as Spud goes “ummmm” and steps back, only to get dropped by a right hand to the chin.

Dawn- Shit.

Misty- Get up, Spud! Wrap your legs around her waist, roll her and either stand up or look for the kimora submission.

Before Gemma can mount Spud, she does a backwards somersault and gets back up, with Gemma in hot pursuit. Gemma hurts Spud badly with a hook to her liver as the breath comes out of the littlest runt and Gemma knocks more out by spearing her, slamming her shoulder deep into Spud’s stomach. Spud rolls and monkey flips Gemma off of her and gets back to her feet.

Karin- What the fuck did Gemma lose the mount this time?

Spud comes forward, but Gemma grabs her arms and knees her deep in the stomach, forcing a loud “OHHH!!” from Spud as she instantly folds over, holding her stomach and crumbles to the mat. Gemma is on her fast and hammers her with punches, but Spud is in a fetal position and is just trying to cover up. The ref pulls Gemma off of Spud and Gemma raises her hands in victory as several members of her team celebrate.

Ref- The winner by second round TKO and advancing to the quarterfinals… Gemma Rox!

(Kayla- Gemma did it. Spud couldn’t deal with her pressure or her power and I’m so happy because Spud was better than advertised and every bit as tough as Marie said she would be.)

(Marie- Gemma has a lot of flaws, but it’s not the flaws or the skills that determine the fight; it’s heart. And Gemma showed she has heart; Spud didn’t. I’m so happy to see Spud lose.)

(Jessika- I’m really not that upset that we lost. Candace put up a good fight, but once she got hurt, she didn’t recover and she kept doubting herself. If she had believed in herself, the outcome would’ve been different. And I said that Spud had killer instinct, it didn’t show.)

(Katora- Spud fought like she was just trying to win the rounds instead of looking for openings and taking advantage of opportunities. That chica’s got a lot of fight in her, though. She’ll get better.)

(Kayla- So, now I’m up 1-0 on Jessika and I get to pick the next fight, tee hee!)

(Athena- One down, fourteen more to go. I don’t care who wins and who loses, because I know I won’t lose, hahahahha!!)

Next time: Jessika invites her friend, OPW’s most dominant fighter ever, the mocha-skinned marauder known as Glory to speak to and help her team, and Kayla and Marie pick the next fight.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2010, 12:17:13 AM »
Kayla- We came up with a strategy, and I guess Gemma thought that Marie and I were trying to sabotage her because she wasn’t listening, and she was paying for it too.

Yeah, well, that's our stubborn as she is slutty.

Still, she got the job done. :)


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2010, 12:19:46 PM »
WOO HOO!!!! Through to the next round!!!

i still don't trust Marie B or Kayla! Grrr...

and Jessika... I'm gonna take down ALL your fighters! Grrr...

I'm loving the fact that you've created a way to get the animosity from the Joni-Gemma wars/passionate hatred into this!!!

x G x
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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2010, 02:07:23 AM »
Darn!  I was rooting for Dangermouse!   :'(

I'm really enjoying this series, Howard! I can't wait until the next installment, so I'm just going to fantasize about beating up Gemma or Marie.  Or both.....;D
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The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Ultimate Catfighter: Kayla vs Jessika
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2010, 08:05:09 PM »
i still don't trust Marie B or Kayla! Grrr...

Hey Gemma sweetie, what's the matter?  ??? ::) This time we're on the SAME side, supporting you - why would we not?  ::) ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)